Facts about L.O.V.E (Who do you think you are)

source: Izadora

The one that you love most is always the one who hurt you the most. This makes me doesn't really believe in LOVE, especially ETERNAL ones. You can fall in love and  be into a relationship real quick but do you realize that when you have to pull yourself out of a relationship, it's tough and need lots of time. Some may think that it is very easy to let go, just by saying 'Let's break up' but do you know that how much courage must one have to speak out that 3 simple words. After breaking up, you may say 'I am fine' but underneath it, 'I felt hurt and I am not fine'. I can bet everyone will be the same. This is what love is. It can be as sweet as honey and it also can be as bitter as bile. For the heartbroken people out there, 

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

Stay strong